Thursday, January 20, 2011

Story Time For Me Review

As a mom of 3 boys under the age of 8, going to the library can be a daunting task. We have a pretty extensive collection of books, but the oldest two have taken quite the interest in all of the electronic book readers that are out these days. When I came across the opportunity to review Story Time For Me I knew I had to jump on it. I fired up the laptop and gathered up the kiddos for some snuggle time on the couch.

The first series the boys went for is Flame The Dragon. There was only one story in this series. At 3 minutes and 41 seconds on automatic page turning- the speed and length of the story was engaging for the baby and slow enough for my 6 year old to be able to sound everything out. He has been having a hard time with the required reading material in school, so anything that grabs his attention and is able to boost his confidence gets 5 stars from me!

Stuck in his chair so the boys could read in peace!

Under the series Ben the Mouse, Ayden opted for a couple of Environmental Action based stories. Ben Cleans Up and Ben and the Green Earth Team. Back to back these stories lasted about 20 minutes. He was able to read faster than the pace of the stories but thoroughly enjoyed "being read to." The baby was up and running around after the first story. Mostly because every one was sick up him trying to close the computer! He would make sure to go and check out the noises that were coming from the computer though. Each story really did grasp all of their attention. They really got a kick out of the characters moving around on the screen.

Eventually they will have their personalized book option up and running. The sample video looks pretty impressive to me! The boys like it, too. They cant wait to check it out. All in all, we give this website 8 thumbs up. Because there is 4 of us and the boys think 8 thumbs up sounds pretty funny!

Make sure you head over to Story Time For Me and check it all out. If you go Here and "Like" their new page on Facebook, you will be entered into an automatic drawing to win a free personalized children's book. Happy reading!

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

"Hello? Dad? Are you there? Can you come home and get this crap off my legs?! Mom has officially lost it!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ran... Rant... RantRantRant...