Thursday, February 17, 2011

They Like Me! They really Like Me!

A gigantical Thank You Very Much goes out to Mama Bee Does (Formally Thrifty Mama B), What Mama Wants, Biehl Adventures, and The Cloth Spring for plugging me from their facebook pages. I even got my very own post on Mama Bee Does. You can find that HERE. Kinda makes me feel like a rock star! If you're reading this and you don't follow those Mamas yet, you should. 

Right now. 


We're about 30 Likes away on Facebook  from starting the Fluffy stuff giveaway! Im super excited to get this stuff out of my house. My not so little man doesn't fit in Large gDiapers anymore, I already have all of the BG artist series and Ive never tried a Fuzzi Bunz. I don't want to either. I do not want need to feed the fluff addiction! If you don't already- Click the little Thumbs Up and Like us over on our FB page. Share it with your friends and have them follow along. 

 The original post about what/when I will be doing these giveaways can be found

Or Dingle Berry as I prefer to call it. And yes- I know that refers to something gross. I have 3 boys. Everything is my life is some variation of gross these days!

So yeah... I'm laying here wide awake despite being up and on the go for 19 long hours and needing to be up in a short 6. I have a serious case of brain diarrhea. The crap just keeps on running! I also can't help but think that I'm the other half to a pretty rad guy. (That statement is not diarrhea related.) If he were here I would just shove him, steal the covers back and tell him that I love him. But he's not and I don't want to call/txt him and wake him up. 4 more days and then the bed hog will be home.  *sigh*

He text me after reading this silly little post  and said something along the lines of 'Stop entertaining the thought of home schooling Keegan. You're out of your F*¤king mind. Your helmet is in the garage.' I love that he is just so supportive! Hahaha. I really have no idea how we're going to continue spending only 5-10 days together a month until at least 2013. WTF does Long Island need Forest Rangers for anyway? Or Faarrist Range-ah's if you're from there. Its a sand bar! There is state land but no real forests to be ranged. 

Not that 'ranging forests' is even what he does exactly- but it sounded good!

Ugh. I digress.

Not really...

You know what else completely sucks about where his career has him located? My over opinionated ovaries. Those bitches are outta control lately! There are babies everywhere! They're like ants crawling out of the wood work on an unseasonably warm day. They're just flying out of the womb all around me. As if all of my friends experienced a complete stoppage of life and had nothing better to do for a series of 4 months or so other than to pro create. Seriously- there is like 14 babies due in the next 120 days. Never mind the 4 in the last 4 weeks. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled for all of these new little lives. New parents. New Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Its amazing. Our baby is only 14 months. But I'm convinced I want need another one. Well- WE are convinced we need one. Not just me. 

I have baby envy. Don't judge. Its a real thing. Ask my reproductive system. She'll tell ya all about it
However- One cannot plan these things when dealing with 550 miles between 2 people and random trips home. Throw in my  issues with ' random boughts of infertility' that are briefly described over here if youre interested and it just seems like a lost cause. I know I have 3 great children, but AJ and Kegger are from my previous marriage and RD and I would like 2 of our own. 4 is a good number. I've always wanted a big family. 3 leaves C-Dub all alone when the Big Brovers go away for the weekend. Its really sad when he stands in the front window looking for them. There is other reasons too, of course. But that one breaks my heart.

Enough nonsense for one night. My brain could use some of the Pink Stuff... Or maybe a good glass of red...


An Apel a Day said...

I'm following you back from The Apel's.

My sister used cloth diapers. Many advantages. I wish I would have used them.

BrettBMartin said...

Thanks for the follow. Followed back.

I LOVE cloth diapers (and have some giveaways coming up for them)

Menopausal New Mom said...

Thanks for joining up with our Thursday Cafe Blog Hop, I dropped by to follow you :)

Happy Thursday!

Blogger Broadcast said...

fantastic! wish I had some when we needed them. Thanks for stopping by, following you back!

Anonymous said...

Great post, you have a great way of expressing yourself. I don't know anyone who's having a baby right now; I'm in my 40's so I might be mixing with folk who's biological clock has run out of batteries.

Found you through Thursday blog hopping.
CJ xx

Kimberly Walker said...

I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting... I am now following and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

I have my weekend 6 in 1 blog hop starting tomorrow @ 3pm... where you can link up your blog, twitter, facebook, networkedblog, blogfrog and giveaways. You should swing by!

All the best,

Amee said...

Hi, I followed you on google friends from and I am looking for blogs that want to sponsor my facebook contest if you can help head over to the discussion tab on my facebook page Madame Deals, INC. I hope you follow me back. Thanks : )

Miss Imperfect said...


Thanks for visiting my Blog!

I'm Following you back :)


Papa said...

HI There , I'm your favorite stalker and I've been following you for over 27 years! If you think that having babies are great, just wait till you have grandpuppies ! You can tell them "ALL" the goofy stuff that their mom did when she was their age and tell them a boat load of made up crap that mommy will need to untangle as time permits. I do agree that kid need to be close in age. Your grandmother figured that when you have two in diapers at the same time , it didn't matter after that. There's only so much poop you can get under your fingernails at one time anyway! But did you ever stop to wonder why there is almost twenty years between you and your kid brother? Contrary to the myth I spread about having had so much fun with you when you were a baby, we decided to have another child. That's not necessarily in keeping with the truth, though you were a blast when you were baby. Really, some of the greatest memories are from when you were very young. At that time , I was also very young! And there is a good reason why young people have children. THEY CAN TAKE THE ABUSE! I didn't forget the hard work that goes with raising kids. I sleep lightly anyhow, and having been brought up with five other boys, I have a little inside info on the how to of it all. You on the other hand you were an only child. Despite that small detail, your are making up for that with an unbridled energy. Just to tell you the obvious, Your are my favorite stalker and you are doing a super job with the muti-facets and tangles of time. If your interested, I can tell you all the stuff I pulled on your grandmother so when you hit your fifties, you will have all the joy and fun you deserve. Have fun my Blue, once again I say rejoice.