Sunday, March 20, 2011

Better than Blank

Words... You have them. You know them. Words... Just do it. Go. TypeTypeType...

That is pretty much all that comes to my head each and every 392669593456 time I think about something to post.

Its been a very long 2 weeks in this house. Funeral, Travel, Big People Decisions and the Day to Day living/kid stuff.

I'm tired. Emotionally. Physically. I could sleep for a year. 

I promise I will have something fun to say this week. Even if I have to force it out!

When all else fails... Post a Pic!

I know... They're skinny. (They don't get it from me.) I swear I feed them!


kittynana said...

And what a great pic it is!!

Adrienne said...

I know exactly how you feel. The tired. The emotional tired. The spent, used up feeling. Sometimes you just need to re-charge, cause you have nothing left to give.