gooseberry |
grubby knees grey |
I really had no idea I would have reached 150 followers on facebook this quick. I do suppose that is what happens when you're bribing people with fluff! I'm sure my cute kids help at least a little bit. :)
I LOVE gdiapers and consider them my "gateway drug" into using cloth. They're easy to use, versatile (use with flushies or cloth) and can be found at a few chain stores making them the
1st thing most people think of when they think of modern cloth.
galatic blue |
A lucky follower will win ONE gDiaper in a size Large from their choice of the colors above.
Colden rockin his custom Mama made gDiaper |
To Enter To Win:
You MUST be a follower on Google Friend Connect. That little box over there that says Followers. ----->
Leave me a comment saying you follow and let me know what color you would choose if you win. +1 comment (total. not daily.)
Follow Him Me and The Wee Three on Facebook. +1 comment (total. not daily.)
Share this on Facebook in your status letting your friends/followers know whats going on linking Him Me and The Wee Three. +1 comment
You can do this once a day. Each permalink must be a unique code for that day and I must show a tag from you on my page for this entry to be valid. Remember to come back and leave a comment saying you did.
This will run until 11:59pm EST Friday 3/4/11
This is sponsored by no one other than myself. Thanks for helping me clear our my closets.
Good Luck!