Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yeah.... We're still alive!

I've had a few personal requests for a new post. I admit, I've been a horrible blogger. Blame the kids. Blame the dog. Blame summer and traveling! Blame the fact that I'm working again and actually sleeping by 11pm rather than up all hours of the night. Just dont blame laziness. Although that does play a small role.

Rather than be all wordy, I'm going to take the lazy visual route and post some new pics of our summer so far.

AJ boy


Colden Nugget

Picture perfect


Me and my Wee Three

He was watching a worm try and escape the container while fishing.

We've done a lot of fishing... and bobber losing.

There is plenty more. But I will save those for another day.

1st 6 images credit belongs to Bossy Photographer

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Excuse Edition

Please pardon our very noticeable absence.
We have been very busy:

consuming mass quantities of sugar

trying to figure out how to escape

kissing girls behind trees

digging the daddys eye out

starting our lumberjack career 

ordering Dad around after not seeing him for 8 weeks

tasting nature

mastering the ultimate "Cheese" face

Also mastering looking more innocent than we really are

smiling nervously after getting caught picking out nose

and trying to figure out how to become a fish

Maybe... Just Maybe... Things will return to normal around here soon.          Maybe.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

BrytonPick Review

Remember all those post where I talk about how completely different my oldest 2 kiddos are? How they never like the same thing and can never agree on any thing? Well we finally found something they both like!

The Bryton Pick is is a string-free, portable and reusable dental space cleaner. The flexible edges are as thin as dental floss. Designed for use after every meal, BrytonPick brings relief to an everyday problem by easily removing food stuck between the teeth. Also, it replaces all improvised and un-hygienic "items" used in an attempt to remove pieces of food from between teeth, such as: paper clips, business cards, matches, or finger nails.

How totally random, right? But they do! We received one of these little bad boys to try out and I was actually jealous that I agreed to let them try it instead of me. The recommeded age is 10. My kids are 9.5 and 6.5. Of course I did not leave them unnattended. NO teeth brushing is unattended after the incident involving a full tube of toothpaste, hair spray, hand soap and a "food fight" style war. Ugh... I digress...

The directions were super easy to follow and I never had to try and pin the kids down to "floss" their teeth. They're reusable, recycleable, and Affordable.

I have since picked up a 3 pack of these at my local pharmacy and use them myself. I keep one in the bathroom, one in the diaper bag and one in my truck. NO excuse not to floss anymore. Our dentists will be so proud! I highly recommend.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com created by WebBizIdeas a Minneapolis SEO and Web Design firm. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

Wordless Wednesday

Slight fracture of upper orbital bone.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make your children wear helmets. This could have been so much worse without one.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Up For The Challange!

What kind of challenge you may ask...  

The Get Your Sparkle Back challenge of course!

You can read all about it over at Katie's page. She is The Sparkle Mama and you're almost always guaranteed a good laugh no matter the subject matter. 

She had this great idea to get us crazy fluff addicts cloth diaper users motivated. Get about twenty of us to join and we all add one new diaper into the pool. The highest percentage lost in thirty days wins ten, second and third each win five. (Or whatever it works out to be depending on how many of us join). Honestly- I don't need any more diapers. We have plenty. So I'm working on winning a starter stash for someone else while hoping to get a handle on my recent diagnosis of PCOS. I will, however, be checking out any brands I may win that I dont already own!

I dont have a set game plan. I was really hesitant to join. I feel I'm at a slight disadvantage. I'm the only adult in my house. The Mister is away for work. We're not talking  for two or three days. I mean hes gone for weeks and weeks and weeeeeks. Right now we are creeping up on six weeks apart. He'll be home for a few days towards the end of May while we take the kids to a water park in Pennsylvania. Then its back to work he goes. 550 miles away.

I dont get the chance to go to the gym, for a run, swimming, etc. I always have my three boys, the little girl I watch forty hours a week, and whatever neighborhood kids happen by that day. I shuttle them to tutors, trumpet, karate and hip-hop. I sleep four to five hours at night and run on coffee and shear will power!

I. Am. Exhausted.

But.... No more excuses. I'm in this to win it! 

That being said, I should probably step away from the Jelly Beans!
Maybe I'll aim for 2nd or 3rd place :)

Although it was not required- I have decided to lay it all out there. I am going to post a picture taken today AND my weight. I'm not totally comfortable with the woman I have become physically since having children- but I'm not embarrassed to be me.  I have come to realize I am not the 140lb, athletic, SEVENTEEN year old I was when I had my first son. I'm a woman. I was a child then. That realization alone has increased my confidence in myself.

Its just that... My curves have developed curves and its about time I reign them in a bit!

So here I am. The competition!
27 years old
A mother of 3 boys ages 9, 6 and 16 months
I'm 5'6 and a size 14

My weight.... Drum Roll Please....

cell phone for proof of date visible in the original submission pic

Yeppers... that says 213.2

I have that lovely 3x C-Section belly that resembles that of those starving children you see on late night infomercials.
My life long battle with the Hungarian arms has recently been lost. 
My "Bingo Wings" make 65 year old lunch ladies jealous. 
Oh yeah... I went there.
So there you have it. Please pardon my excessive bitchyness while I attempt to whip my ass into shape to put some fluff on another babies butt. You hear that, Eliott?! This is all your fault
Good Luck All!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Word Vomit Part 1

What a long, draining 8 weeks it has been around here. I really hate complaining- which is partially why I haven't done much in the writing dept lately. But mostly- I'm just to busy. I haven't had the time to just sit and write. I'm not one of the lucky ones that has the ability to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and have the words just flow. That rarely happens for me. Especially lately. Everything seems to take the last ounce of energy I have.

That being said- I've been having some health issues over the last year that  have drained me and its taken way to much time to get some answers. I'm zapped of all energy. I feel like I could sleep for a month. Now that I have answers, I make some changes and wait. In the mean time- I have to try my hardest to go to bed not long after the kids do. If that means the laundry sits in the hamper, the dishwasher goes unloaded, I don't vacuum the dog for the 3rd time that day (yes- I really do that) or I don't get the 'me' time to sit and write- then I just don't. I've was feeling really down that I haven't been able to put as much effort into writing and reviews/giveaways as I have wanted to. But that extra 90 minutes of sleep has been good for me.

I am the proud owner of the worlds easiest 16mn old. I try not to brag- but seriously- he's freakin amazing. Up at 830am, poop, eat, play, eat, nap at noon, sleep till 3 or 4, poop, eat, play, eat, play, poop, play, eat, play, bed at 830pm, sleep all night. He doesn't cry. He doesn't whine. He's not very vocal. But he knows enough signs to get what he wants and he follows directions better than most Soldiers. He's... Easy. The little girl I watch that is the same age as Cole, Monday through Friday 630am-430pm... Not so easy! (Sorry Char!) I've never seen such a small human not require sleep! If she sleeps for more than 30 minutes, I'm worried something is wrong! She's good- but not so easy! Now that I can't sneak in a nap during the day I'm wiped out by the time the oldest 2 come home at 4.

My poor big kids. I'm amazed I haven't been finding little crumpled up notes in their pockets about their new found MomZilla or hearing them pray at night that they think they want to go live with their dad. I wouldn't blame them. I'm not much fun lately.

AJ is 9, reasonably self sufficient and would space out into electronic world if I let him. I will fully admit that I have allowed him to play 4hrs of video games just so there was some peace between him and his brother. Other than a reminder to pick up after himself and double check his homework, he's easy too. As long as he isn't being forced to play with Keegan.

Ahh... Keegan. The 35yr old, divorced, disgruntled, laid off union employee trapped in a 6yr old body. That is how I see my son. I mean- there is plenty of good, too, of course. But that pretty much covers his personality. He hates things made in China. I had to peel the stickers off his new bike when I found him trying to figure out where it was made. Most of his clothes are tag-less after I found him throwing out clothes that didn't say Made in USA. He's a smart, compassionate, blunt, whirling dervish poster child for all things ADHD and unidentified emotional disorder. Basically- he's my ex husband. I live with a shorter version of my ex husband that I cannot divorce! But oh my goodness do I ever love that kid. So much so that it actually hurts. Words cannot describe. But he is e x h a u s t i n g. . .

Keegan is his father and AJ is me. That pretty much sums up their relationship, too. They're like a bitter divorced couple. I had no idea two brothers, less than three years apart could be so completely different. No wonder I'm so beat. Thank goodness the lil one has different genetics! 

They sure are handsome lil things, though!

Monday, April 18, 2011

TShirtPrinting.net Review

I recently received a screen printed T Shirt from TShirtPrinting.net. Normally something like this wouldn't appeal to me but being that my kids are involved in Karate and Dance, Its nice that I was able to check out a company that could come in handy when its time for the schools to order merchandise.

I ran that shirt through the ringer! I ordered a size Adult Small so that I could let the kids run around in it, use it for an art smock, PJs etc. I have washed it at least 6 times (in cold water) and thrown it in the dryer (inside out on hot) and their screen printed Monkey has held up better than expected. No peeling or cracking of the graphic. I will definitely be passing along this companies information to business owners that I know. Even better is they are not just a T Shirt company. Tank Tops, Sweatshirts, Kids sizes, Work wear... Even Hoodies! Who doesn't love a hoodie! Considering it is snowing here today, I know I will be keeping all of mine in the closet just a little bit longer!

stock photo

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yay!!! Its Spring(ish)!

Please pardon the lack of real writing these days. Everyone is feeling better and we are busy learning that shadows cannot actually be picked up.

Garbage trucks are providing some real entertainment and not to much time has been spent indoors.

The weather is- well- Western NY weather- and will be 20 degrees lower tomorrow (and raining.)

So AJs asthma will be acting up, Kegger will be miserable because 12 hours cannot be spent outside and Colden will no longer be cheering about breaking sticks.

He'll be back to his booger nosed self tomorrow, looking out the window wondering when we can go back to eating dirt and sticking rocks in our ears. 

In the mean time.... I might have something fun to write about.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

The Thinks That Keep Me Awake

I cannot believe how quickly the days seem to be flying by.Twenty Eleven so far has seen Ranger Dick turn thirty five. The little man turned sixteen months on the first of April. AJ's ninth birthday has come and gone. Keegan is already talking about how we are in the last ten weeks of school. Which to him means summer summer summer and more summer! Then he gets to be seven. Apparently that is the coolest thing to him. Seven is a big deal in his world. No clue why. It just is. Before he turns seven, I will be coming up on my ten year high school reunion. Ten. Ten years. TEN FREAKING YEARS!!! Holy Crap. If Ive been out of high school for ten years.... Keegan is turning seven and than days later I'll be twenty... twenty... twenty eight... TWENTY FREAKING EIGHT!!! That is worse than TEN FREAKING YEARS!!! I am SOOOO on the wrong side of twenty five. Right now, I can see thirty. Its there, off in the distance. A glorious mountain that I am not within walking distance of. But it is visible from where I stand. By October I will be well on my way to climbing that mountain. I'm going to be working on changing my mindset. Rather than not knowing if I'm ready for thirty, I want to know if thirty is ready for me! 

Accolades, Education, Experiences... None of that has given me more sense of accomplishment than these guys have.

Keegan 6 Ayden 9 Colden 15mns
There is more to me than just being their Mom.  But if there wasn't, I would be okay with that too.

Wait a minute... If I'm creeping up on twenty eight... Colden is almost... TWO?!?!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monster Vapor Review

Is your child/children afraid of the dark? Do they think monsters are in the closet or under the bed?

Have no fear, keep Monster Vapor near!

I really lucked out. My boys were never scared of the dark or worried about monsters. Until a few months ago! We had a wicked storm and my 6 year old came up with every excuse in the book to climb in my bed. For one night it was alright. But it was quickly becoming a habit. When I seen the opportunity to review Monster Vapor, I knew I had to jump on it. My kids love smells. Especially on their bedding. I use cloth diapers so I have to avoid using fabric softener in my wash. This spray has transformed the bedtime routine!

I received a bottle of Monster Vapor and didn't even wait until the kids got home to open it! The description card said it contains hints of a Relaxing Blend of essential oils: Lavander, Lemon, Mandarin, Rosewood and Orange. I could pick up on every single scent. It smells great. I knew the boys would enjoy it.

I like that the sprays are purified water, essential oils, and citric acid (natural preservative) 100% natural.  NO CHEMICALS ARE USED - EVER.

That night after the Bath, Book, Bed routine I pulled out the bottle and gave it to my 9 year old. He read the story card, which they both a kick out of and then the 6 year old sprayed their pillows. Instantly they both said they smelled lemons. Did you know Monsters are scared of citrus? I didnt, but Keegan knew it so he said he was safe and that he'll stay in his bed all night. Sure enough! He actually did. He asked if he could spray his sweatshirt and wear it to school. Sure. Why not!

There are 4 sprays in the product line:  Monster Vapor, Storm Squasher, Courage Concoction and Feeling Campy.
  There is even a plush monster Mascot, Winston! 

We have a camping trip coming up and I'm forward to the excuse to try out Feeling Campy. An all natural bug repellent will be great to use on all the little ones.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

The Happy Handle Bar Shopping Cart Review

This review is way over due. Funny that I am so far behind on reviewing something us germaphobes LOVE because we have all been sick. Shopping carts can be pretty gross and its near impossible to keep little ones from putting their hand in their mouth. Now that the boys are better, I plan on doing all I can to make sure they stay that way. I was really excited the first time I packed The Happy Handle Bar  cover into my diaper bag. It actually fits!!!

 It isn't bulky at all which is one of my biggest complaints about another brand I had used. I actually stopped using the previous cart cover because I didn't want to have to drag that along with us. Its hard enough bringing 3 kids along for the ride!

The hard plastic clicks right over the handle bar in seconds. There was no fumbling around with it while trying to hold the baby. The same part allows the cover to roll up into itself and stay in place. There is extra pockets to toss in your keys or coupons. You can attach babies own toys and slip in a sippy cup or bottle.

There are 6 different patterns to chose from. The Happy Handle Bar is patented and made it the USA. It is also very affordable at only $20. That is a lot less than one I had purchased in the past.  

I keep it stored in the pocket behind my driver seat so it is always ready to go when I am.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to Life, Back to Reality

I cannot even begin to express how excited I am for this week to start. 

The last few weeks around here have been completely draining. A death in the family. Canceled vacation plans. All 3 of the boys were really sick and one point or another. The evil FurBeast dog took off for 2 hours (I may complain about her, but I do love her and her temporary disappearance sent me into a panic). 

There is been a huge shift in the relationship dynamics between myself and my ex husband. It appears our once civil and even friendly relationship will no longer exist. Part of me is really shocked it took almost 4 years for this to happen. I feel as if I'm grieving. Maybe because we had the most amicable divorce known to man. Either way, I have a feeling ugly days are ahead and I need to mentally prepare myself for that.    

I woke up yesterday with the worst stiff neck and earache that I have ever felt. However- I can handle myself feeling like poo! I have to do what I have to do no matter how I am feeling. Its when everything else is falling apart that I'm at a complete loss as to how I am supposed to function. So- I will gladly down my 4 packets of Theraflu a day and carry on as long as all the other ducks are in a row. 

I have multiple reviews and giveaways to post this week. I'm running about a week behind and I really appreciate all of the sponsors understanding.      

Monday, March 21, 2011

Learn Something New Tuesday!

It's Tuesday!!

Which means it's only the second day of the work week :(
It's time for Learn Something New Tuesday!!!

 Life with the Dietrichs

Answer the 6 themed questions on your blog, head back here and link up.  Then hop around and "Learn something new" about fellow bloggers!!

THEME- Seasons:
1. What is you favorite season?
2. What season do you hate the most?
3. What season is your birthday in?
4. Do you get snow where you live?
5.What’s is the highest temperature the area
 you live in has ever gotten to?
6. Have you ever driven in snow?

My Answers:
THEME- Seasons:

1. What is you favorite season?
I pinky puffy heart Fall. I love the smell of dirt and being able to wear a hoodie 24/7.

2. What season do you hate the most?
I despise shoveling snow. But I also hate sweating my proverbial balls off. Eh- I guess I dislike summer more than winter. But I dont like having my kids locked in the house all winter... Oh geez. I dont know. 

3. What season is your birthday in?
Fall. I'm an October baby.

4. Do you get snow where you live?
Western New York... Home of Amazing Chicken Wings, The Worst Football team EVER and Snow.

5.What’s is the highest temperature the area
 you live in has ever gotten to?
Im not sure. But I wanna die when it gets over 90.

6. Have you ever driven in snow?
about 8 months out of the year here!

Now it's your turn!!

Don't forget to visit the Co-host
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Better than Blank

Words... You have them. You know them. Words... Just do it. Go. TypeTypeType...

That is pretty much all that comes to my head each and every 392669593456 time I think about something to post.

Its been a very long 2 weeks in this house. Funeral, Travel, Big People Decisions and the Day to Day living/kid stuff.

I'm tired. Emotionally. Physically. I could sleep for a year. 

I promise I will have something fun to say this week. Even if I have to force it out!

When all else fails... Post a Pic!

I know... They're skinny. (They don't get it from me.) I swear I feed them!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

FuzziBunz OS Giveaway

Yay! 300 Facebook followers calls for the last of the scheduled fluffy giveaways!!!

But no worries... There will be more for sure!

Fuzzi Bunz One Size Cloth Diaper - Watermelon
"Unique to other "One Size" diapers on the market FuzziBunz One Size will last from birth to potty in both fit and function. With removable and replacable leg AND waist elastic and durable plastic snaps this diaper will truly last for 3+ years. The same trusted style as the Perfect Size FuzziBunz with leg and waist adjustments for a super perfect fit - even in a One Size. A great investment for parents"

I had won this diaper and decided not to add it to our stash because it seemed like our not so little guy was outgrowing OS diapers. However, thanks to a combo of $10 off a $10 or more Amazon Baby purchase, 20% off any diapers sold by Amazon and Amazon credits I earned through Swag Bucks- I decided to get 2 of these since they were completely free. I must say- I am impressed with how they fit our 15mn old. He is 34 inches and 33lbs. Kinda makes me sad that I'm giving this one away!

To Enter To Win: 
You MUST be a follower on Google Friend Connect. That little box over there that says Followers. ----->
I have been running into a problem with people not having their email address available. If it is not public you must leave it in your comments or I will pick a new winner. I remove the comments as soon as the giveaway closes. 

Leave me a comment saying you follow and one funny fact about the kiddo this would be for. +1 comment (total. not daily.)

Follow Him Me and The Wee Three on Facebook. +1 comment (total. not daily.)

Share this on Facebook in your status letting your friends/followers know whats going on linking Him Me and The Wee Three. +1 comment 
 You can do this once a day. Each permalink must be a unique code for that day and I must show a tag from you on my page for this entry to be valid. Remember to come back and leave a comment saying you did.

This will run until 11:59pm EST Wednesday 3/16/11
This is sponsored by no one other than myself. Thanks for helping me clear our my closets.
Good Luck!